first off, i no longer believe the bible to be the inspired word of god.
but with my heart i want to believe.
i love the idea of an all-powerful deity that cares for me and the rest of humanity.
hey guys.
can anyone point me to good references on whether the bible is accurate or not.
like a rebuttal of the november 2007 awake?.
Here I go recommending another book but this one I just finished and absolutely couldn't put down - The Hidden Scrolls - Christiany, Judaism and the War for the Dead Sea Scrolls by Neil A. Silberman. Best book I've read on the scrolls and what their discovery and content may mean for religion. Wish I'd discovered it sooner. Looking to read more from this author.
AND NO, I now do not TRUST what we have come to call 'the Bible' at all. I love reading it though, and I have probably more than 25 different versions. I love the history of the compilation of the Bible now more than its actual content. The myriad interpretations of it are some of the most fascinating stuff I have ever come across. The Watchtower interpretations are some of the most shallow and fundamentalist I have ever come across.
By the way, imho, Is the Bible Really the Word of God has to take the cake for the lamest book ever. Can't believe I swallowed it hook, line and sinker when I was a child...oh, I guess it was because I was a child at the time...
well that what my mil told my wife.
since she is not going to the hall, she will die at armegedon.
you have to love these loony a$$ witnesses.
When I'm told I might miss out on seeing relatives resurrected after Armageddon, I just remind them that both Stephen and Jesus himself entrusted their spirits to the Father, and I am happy to do the same.
i just received a message from one of my closest friends.
we grew up together and were/are as close as brothers.
his father was like a second dad to mehe died two days ago after two weeks in the hospital.
AMEN to everything you said.
I firmly believe we will be here to see it. This religion is a violation of HUMAN RIGHTS, and very shortly, I believe I will see the day when this religion faces an investigation into its abuse of human rights - then ALL will see it...
this week an unbelieving mate and non-jw will be the first, as such, to ever conduct the watchtower study.
stay tuned!.
also newly released, the video version for the study edition beginning 11 february.
Great! Can't wait! Truly, where no Watchtower has gone before...
first off, i no longer believe the bible to be the inspired word of god.
but with my heart i want to believe.
i love the idea of an all-powerful deity that cares for me and the rest of humanity.
I am so HAPPY to hear that there is at least one other person out there that UNDERSTANDS ME!!!!
I am even starting to love the statues! I feel they put me in mind of another dimension - there's nothing I love more than to see a statue of an angel in a garden or Jesus with outstretched arms - heck, I don't even mind Mary or the saints. I figure if a picture of my dog on the wall is ok, then what's wrong with representations of beings that may exist or representations of those that have gone before us? I no longer view them as images (in the sense that they are to be worshipped); rather, they put me in a different 'sphere'. That's why I guess I should have been living in the medieval times. I would have loved it I think!
Anyhow, thanks so much for responding.
first off, i no longer believe the bible to be the inspired word of god.
but with my heart i want to believe.
i love the idea of an all-powerful deity that cares for me and the rest of humanity.
First off, I no longer believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.
But with my heart I WANT to BELIEVE. I love the idea of an all-powerful Deity that cares for me and the rest of humanity. I can't wrap my head around the whole RANSOM 'provision' (ugh) any more, but I find great inspiration in the Jesus that the Bible portrays (for the most part). Sometimes I feel like I am living in the wrong century; that I love the medieval mindset. I don't know why. I love the whole idea of superhuman beings (angels) flying around midheaven and somehow guiding events on earth to a wonderful conclusion and I absolutely adore great religious buildings such as cathedrals both from an architectural point of view and from the feeling of majesty they evoke in me when I have visited them. I have never attended another Church but somehow feel drawn to attend a Catholic service, for the sheer ritual of it, because I think it might answer some void I feel within me.
Does anyone of you out there relate to this feeling at all, or am I alone in this?
A bit of history: More or less born in, faithful meeting attender for 43 years, now absolutely sick of the 'bankruptcy' I feel at the sight of the general austereness of Kingdom Halls, the lack of beautiful art, beautiful music, beautiful people. There is no SOUL left there and maybe that's what I miss. Sorry for the rant...
paragraph 15: "as we get nearer to the outbreak of the great tribulation, we may well receive some detailed instructions.
our safe journey through those troublesome days will depend on our keeping in step with other loyal servants of jehovah.
" this in the context of a wt discussing the israelites' exodus from egypt and how jehovah had them into a position where there seemed "no way out".
"we may receive detailed instructions"....then again, we MAY not....
So why would I want to hang around? Operative word is MAY - why would I stake my life on such a vague promise/threat?
1. told the entire cong.
that jesus coming in his kingdom was in about 31 or 32 ce when jesus got transfigured.
- this was during the weekly bible reading part... lol (the society actually says that about when jesus told the disciples that some of them would see him coming in his kingdom before they died...).
That made my day! I admire your CHEEK!
1. told the entire cong.
that jesus coming in his kingdom was in about 31 or 32 ce when jesus got transfigured.
- this was during the weekly bible reading part... lol (the society actually says that about when jesus told the disciples that some of them would see him coming in his kingdom before they died...).
That made my day! I admire your CHEEK!